Our Services


Our remedial massage treatments are a valuable service that can significantly benefit the overall health and wellbeing of NDIS participants. Our remedial therapies offer great relief from pain, improved mobility, stress reduction and are proven as a powerful tool for promoting independence and a higher quality of life.

Our massage practice is equipped with a wheelchair friendly entrance and easily accessible bathroom, be assured that the practice is regularly cleaned and maintained with the highest hygiene standards.

Remedial massage is ideal for the relief of both chronic and acute pain, both sports and workplace injuries are efficiently treated through remedial techniques. This modality is most beneficial for sprains, headaches, impingements, muscle strains and other symptoms. If you have cover for remedial massage with your health fund, you may be entitled to a health fund rebate.

The recommended session length for a remedial massage is sixty minutes, our therapists will effectively use this time to assess, treat and diagnose your symptoms.